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By some means we bought via it,??Lukather remembers. ?�Anaesthetising ourselves ??not with blow but just ingesting.??It was only after the album was released that Lukather saw the symbolism within the artwork selected by Jeff for the cover: a skeleton clawing to escape its grave. ??It was|It had been|It absolutely was} just like a premonition,??L
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19일 방송된 SBS 예능프로그램 ‘동상이몽2- 너는 내 운명’(이하 ‘동상이몽2’)에서는 이현이, 홍성기 부부가 절친 배우 지소연, 송재희 부부를 만나는 모습이 그려졌다.이날 서장훈가 “정주리 씨는 출산 후 40일 만에 복귀를 했다”고 묻자, 정주리는 “급했다. 넷�
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